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Sell Chinese Books Globally

Based upon Beijing, the culture capital and information hub of China, Global Exchange Center has the advantages of accessing the most comprehensive and updated information of Chinese publishing industry by working closely with numerous Chinese commercial and universities publishers and research institutes.

Our Book Division primarily Serves For:

A. East Asia Libraries and East Asian section of major libraries worldwide,

B. Chinese language schools and Chinese programs within universities or colleges,

C. Researchers and scholars who are interested in the academic publications from their counterparts in China,

D. Book resellers who deal with the Chinese books and
reference works.

Categories Of Chinese Books And Other Publications:
A. Academic Publications from China:
In partnership with International Academic Publisher (China) and several outstanding academic institutes in China, Global Exchange Center has intensive experiences and well established network for trading, translating and publishing of academic publications by Chinese researchers and scholars.

B. Chinese language learning materials and reference works:
Leveraging on its experiences on operating Chinese study programs, Global Exchange offers comprehensive list and information on Chinese language study books, CD and reference works published in China.

C. Chinese culture and literatures publications:
Our center could provides frequently updated name list and contents summaries of newly published Chinese books and other publication on Chinese history, religion, literatures, traditional medicine, culinary arts and cultures.

Our Services Include:
A. To sell, translate and publish Chinese academic publications and intellectual properties.

B. To provide free reference list and advice on Chinese language learning materials, Chinese language reference works published in mainland China.

C. To provide the standard or customized lists of Chinese books, CD and multimedia publications on other Chinese cultural subjects.

D. To assist the institutes or individuals outside of China to purchase Chinese books from China.

E. To provide advice and assistance for setting up Chinese libraries or reading center.

For further information, contact us at < [email protected] >
inese Books Globally

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