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Chinese Language and Culture Study Tour

Key Features:
A. Packaged two-weeks program, a few times each year in June, July and August or could be arranged in any time by group registration.

B. Comprehensive coverage of Chinese history, philosophy, religion architectures, Chinese paining and craft arts, Chinese traditional music and dancing, Chinese society and laws.

C. Maximum number of students in the group is 15.

Structure and components:
There are three components in this program:
A. Chinese culture workshops: this part would provide an overall introduction of Chinese culture and current society. It also includes the field trips to one craft arts factory and Beijing Opera Theater. All of the workshops or activities would be guided in English. Each of these workshops and activities would last two to three hours.

B. Chinese Language study that would be focused on Chinese reading, listening and speaking. Its content and schedule would be highly related to the topics of culture workshops. The learning methods include Chinese characters and terms study, a few short articles reading and guided speaking practices sections.

C. Sightseeing tours to Great Wall, Ming Tomb, Summer Palace, Tian An Men Square, Beihai Park, Forbidden City in Beijing and visiting Chinese teahouse and watching the Tea Ceremony.

Study Plans and Fees :

Course code Duration Course Dates Option A Option B
2001LC1 1 semester Feb. 12 to June 9 $3900
2001LC2 1 semester Sep. 3 to Jan. 12 $3900
2001SC1 4 weeks June 11 to July 7 $2200
2001SC2 4 weeks July 2 to July 28 $2200
2001SC3 2 weeks July 30 to Aug. 11 $999 $1200
2001SC4 2 weeks Aug. 13 to Aug. 25 $999 $1200
2001SC5 2 weeks Aug. 27 to Sep. 8 $999 $1200

Important Notes:
A. Both the price of Option A and Option B include the tuition fee of General Chinese, the workshop fees, the double shared accommodation in our student apartment, the Welcome Dinner Party, Peking Roast Duck Farewell Party, two ways airport transfers and the meals during two days excursions.

B. The difference between Option A and B is that the option A does NOT include meals in the days (other than excursions) while the option B does.

C. Payment deadline: Two weeks before the starting date of your registered program.

D. Single occupied rooms or hotel rooms are also available at additional cost.

E. $50 registration fee is NOT included in the listed prices.

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