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Martial Arts in Beijing

Martial Arts


Martial Arts

in Beijing 

Martial Arts  

in Yantai

Martial Arts



Based upon Beijing, the historical cultural center in China, our center provides “Martial Arts in Beijing" programs as a part of integrated Chinese cultural learning package.   Our programs not only provide the training for physical martial arts forms, but also teach our trainees how to improve their mental agility and concentration through the courses.   

Program Highlights:

  From 2 weeks to whole year, 
Possible to start in any month of the year 
From total beginner with no martial arts experiences to the advance level learners 
Highly experienced, awards winning martial arts masters 
Available martial arts courses include: traditional kung fu, tai chi, Wine chun and more,  
Martial Arts Exchange programs with Chinese students 
Free martial arts related Chinese language and cultural courses once a week 
A wide range of optional sightseeing and activities available  


Program description:   our Martial Arts in Beijing include four key components:  A), Core martial arts training;  B), Guided self practice;  C), Martial Arts related Chinese language and cultural courses;  D), Martial Arts Exchange program. 

A) Core martial arts training:    there are two hours each day and 10 hours each week core martial arts training with our experienced martial arts master. The core training will be in very small group.  The training may covers different martial arts forms, such as traditional kung fu, Tai chi, Sanda, Wine Chun and more.  The trainees may specify which type of martial arts he or she prefers to learn in registration process. Then the contents of training may be adjusted according to the preference of particular group.  The large group may be divided into smaller group to focus on different martial arts types.  The focus of core training will be new martial arts forms learning and correction of easily occurred mistakes. 
B) Guided self-practicing:  there is 8 hours guided practicing session each week.  Our martial arts advisors will guide practice session.  Students are expected to practice what they learned in previous classes and may ask questions or give feedbacks of their learning to student’s advisors. 
C) Free martial Arts related Chinese language and cultural courses:  there are 2 hours each week Chinese language and cultural learning. Students are in regular classroom to learn martial arts related Chinese terms and basic introduction of martial arts history, Chinese basic philosophy, basic Chinese medicine and other related topics.   (Please notice: these 2 hours are free component of all martial arts program and additional Chinese language course may be booked as the combinational programs.)  
D) Martial Arts Exchange program:   each trainee will be assigned at least one martial arts exchange partners during the courses.  The exchange partners are usually Chinese college students or newly graduates who are interested in martial arts and foreign cultures.  This program can be used to exchange martial arts learning experiences or to exchange Chinese learning.  The goal of this program is to increase the opportunities to immerse our students in Chinese cultures.  It is also the opportunity to establish a long lasting friendship with Chinese students.  

Fees for Martial Arts programs and Martial Arts and Chinese combined programs:


Martial Arts

(A) dorm/host

Martial Arts

(B)shared apart

Martial Arts+Ch


Martial Arts+Ch

(D)shared apart

2 880   1105  
3 1290 1140 1612 1480
4 1680 1498 2086 1956


2075 1840 2560 2326
6 2460 2176 3019 2736
8 3200 2816 3902 3516
10 3900 3553 4743 4396
12 4560 4173 5540 5153
1 Se=18 W 6840 6360 8122 7646


1) Martial Arts programs (program A and B on the table)
The listed fees include: core martial arts training of 10 hours each week, guided practice session, cultural lessons of 2 hours each week, martial arts exchange programs, accommodation costs, Membership card in local gym, one way airport transfer, Emergency travel and medical insurance

What are NOT included:
International Airfare to and from Beijing, and personal spending money

Martial Arts & Chinese Language combined programs (program C and D on the  table)
The listed fees include: tuition for Chinese language course (10 lessons each week), core martial arts training of 10 hours each week, guided practice session, cultural lessons of 2 hours each week, martial arts exchange programs, accommodation costs, Membership card in local gym, one way airport transfer, Emergency travel and medical insurance.


What are NOT included:
International Airfare to and from Beijing, and personal spending money
What include: 


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