A Bridge between East & West- Chinese in China |
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Being an intern at Global Exchange Center has several advantages over other possible internship opportunities. While gaining extremely valuable knowledge related to your course of study, you will also gain a tremendous amount of priceless experiences that will help you to grow personally as well as intellectually. Additionally, you will be able to learn about Beijing and China, Chinese people, Chinese culture, Chinese business culture, and, most importantly, you will be able to learn Chinese for FREE. Our successful candidate will: Work 15 to 20 hours a week Contact us directly for more details Global Exchange Center | Suite 1720, Hai Tai Office Building | Bei Si Huan Zhong Lu, No. 229 Beijing, Haidan District China 100083 Telephone: 86.10.8237.3308 or 86.10.8237.2368 | Fax: 86.10.8237.2368 | Email: or Global Exchange Center, 2005 - 2007. All Rights Reserved