Application Form for International Students

Family Name: Given Name:


Chinese Name: Sex:
Nationality: Marital Status:
Passport No. : Occupation:
Date of Birth: Place of Birth: Tel:
Email: Fax:
Highest Educational Level: Religion:
Postal Address:

Expected Date of Arrival:
Expected Date of Departure:

If you register in a specialized program, the code of the course
If you register in general language program, the number of lessens per week:
How long have you studied Chinese? Where:
Preferred accommodation:double shared in dorm/single room in dorm/on campus hotel
Where did you first hear about Global Exchange Education Center?
Name of agent or contact (If any) :
Fax: Tel:
I hereby affirm that:all the information given in this form is true and correct. I agree to abide by the terms on your in the Feature and Condition Form. Signature: Date:

To: Global Exchange Education Center:
Web Site: <>
Fax: ++86-10-6234 7219; Tel: ++86-10-6234 3057 or 6234 7219
Email:<[email protected]> or <[email protected] >
Postal Address: Suite 311, Huikai Office Building, No. 35, Zhi Xin Lu, Er Li ZhuangXiao Qu, Haidian District, Beijing, 100083 P. R. China

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