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China is such an amazing place with such a diverse and intricate culture, that I find it hard to pinpoint what it is exactly that calls me back time and time again. However one aspect of China has penetrated my heart deep enough to leave a feeling of excitement and love each and every time that I return to China. This aspect is the people- especially the children and the elderly. Their faces tell a thousand stories of China's rich and interesting culture and history.

But is not just the people that capture my heart, it is the way they move about and the energy that they each posses as individuals. China has a word that can not be easily translated into English. This word is Re Nao. It can be described from the dictionary as "bustling", but to me, it is translated as the energy that the people express in their daily lives. There is never a slow moment in China; everyone is always coming and going somewhere or doing something; busily carry on their lives. It is this "energy" and the people that possess it, that makes China what it is today: a country that has developed to such an extent in the past several years, that it will be impossible to foretell China's positive future. This Re Nao or energy also creates an intoxicating excitement. When I walk down the streets such as Wan Fu Jin in Beijing, or Nanjing Lu in Shanghai, my heart skips a beat as I stand for a minute and close my eyes to listen to the sounds around me. It the happy chatter, the clinking of the bicycles and honking of the horns. Vendors yelling out to others to buy their wares, children walking hand in hand home from school and the curious faces sitting in the doorways watching the world go by. All these things add to the Re Nao that China and the people contain.

The children are special to me because they are the future of China. They are the ones that will have to carry on this idea of Re Nao and make China into a modern country that will one day probably surpass the rest of the world. These children are the hope for China's future. Yet at the same time these children are still filled with a serene innocense, unaware of the responsibilities that they will soon hold.

Apart from the young, the older generation also has an impact on my impressions of China. I wish I could communicate with them so I could hear the tales that they have to tell. The deep wrinkles on their faces are each a story in their own. Every wrinkle constitutes for an adventure, a sorrow, a pain or a happiness that these people have endured for decades. Yet each and every one of them still has a wide smile on their faces whenever a foreigner confronts them or walks by. It is the curiosity and the amazement that is seen in their eyes when they see someone like me wonder through their city. Their whole world as they have known it has changed drastically in the last decades and yet they still are able to carry on adding more wrinkles and stories to their face.

Re Nao is my definition of the people of China, but it is also the atmosphere that these people have created, and that I have come to love.

Few foreigners can appreciate what China has to offer, but speaking for my self, I can assure you that China holds a place very dear to me in my heart and will always be apart of me. I look forward to the next time I am able to go back and learn a new experience from the Chinese people and their Re Nao that carries on into another one of their stories, enabling me to fall in love with China all over again.

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