(Pinyin) gōng xǐ fā cái
(Chinese) 恭 喜 发 财
(Translation) The words are wishing you luck in the Chinese New Year.
Word by word English translation:
恭喜: congratulations
发财: enormously rich
Sample sentence:
gōng xǐ fā cái!
It's a greeting for Chinese New Year. The words are wishing you luck in the Chinese New Year.
(Pin yin) nián nián yǒu yú
(Chinese) 年 年 有 余
(Translation) every year there is fish/leftover; have profit every year
Word by word English translation:
年: Year
年: Year
有: Have
鱼: fish, leftover
Sample sentence:
Zhōngguórén chūnjié de shíhòu chī yú,yìsi shì “nián nián yǒu yú”。
Chinese people eat fish in Chinese New Year means “have profit every year”.