(Pin yin) pēng rán xīn dòng
(Chinese) 怦 然 心 动
(Translation) The phrase expresses people will be excited with heart pumping when they saw something.
Word by word English translation:
怦 pit-a-pat
然 indicate a state.
心 heart
动 palpitation
Sample sentence:
zhè liàng xīn chē tóng yàng huì shǐ wǒ pēng rán xīn dòng 。
This new car will got my heart pumping as well.
(Pin yin) hǎi kuò tiān kōng
(Chinese) 海 阔 天 空
(Translation) The phrase indicate:talk at random, without reference to reality.
Word by word English translation:
海 sea
阔 vast
天 sky
空 emptiness
Sample sentence:
tā xǐhuān liáo diànyǐng 、tán sūgélán ,hǎi kuò tiān kōng。
He liked talking about movies, Scotland, at random without reference to reality.