(Pin yin) zì shí qí lì
(Chinese) 自 食 其 力
(Translation) This phrase means to earn one's own living.
Word by word English translation:
自zì: oneself
食shí: to eat
其qí: his/her/its
力lì: power
Sample sentence:
nǐ chí zǎo dōu yào zì shí qí lì。
You have to earn your own living sooner or later.
(Pin yin) yǒu qiú bì yìng
(Chinese) 有 求 必 应
(Translation) The phrase means be unable to say no to seekers of help.
Word by word English translation:
有yǒu: to have
求qiú: request
必bì: must
应yìng: to respond
Sample sentence:
Wǒ men de lǎoshī yǒu qiú bì yìng。
Our teacher never said no to our requests.