(Pin yin) zì xiāng máo dùn
(Chinese) 自 相 矛 盾
(Translation) This phrase means to attack the shield with one’s own lance. To express self-contradictory.
Word by word English translation:
自 oneself
相 each other
矛盾 contradictory
Sample sentence:
Tā gāngcái de yánlùn shífēn zìxiāngmáodùn。
What he said just now is very inconsistent.
(Pin yin) yǔ zhòng bù tóng
(Chinese) 与 众 不 同
(Translation) The phrase is to express out of the ordinary.
Word by word English translation:
与 with
众 crowd
不同 different
Sample sentence:
tāde dǎban yǔ zhòng bùtóng。
His dressing up is out of ordinary.