Kung Fu in China – Chinese Martial Arts
  Time:2011-7-1 11:16:33  Clrck:1733

Kung fu, or in modern Chinese pinyin as Gong Fu, is a valuable cultural heritage of Chinese people. Kung Fu in China has its unique footprints Chinese cultures. It reflects the characters of Chinese people and their unique understanding of theory and principle to combat. Chinese Kung Fu is known for its balance between hard and soft, extrinsic and intrinsic values. Apart from combat techniques, Chinese Kung Fu is rooted in Chinese philosophy, containing ancient Chinese Philosophers’ understanding of life and the universe.

Throughout the process of historical development, Kung Fu has integrated the promotion of qi by transferring the potential energy in their bodies to achieve the goal of “mind leads qi” and qi promotes the strength.


Kung Fu, which aims to improve health and self-defense, begins by fostering one’s moral character.  Being good at fighting, without acting upon anger is a skill much needed for one to reach a superior psychological level. Chinese ancient philosopher Laozi said:” A good fighter was never angry.”  Therefore, Kung Fu learners must attain a higher psychological level and be able to adjust their moods and be calm in front of enemies and dangerous situations.  

For the popular styles of Chinese Martial Arts, look at Martial Arts Basics





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