Student name: Mr. Maximilian Moëll
Nationality: Swedish
Time in
Global Exchange Center: 13 weeks from March 7, 2011
Question 1: Why do you learn Chinese here and how do you find us?
Maximilian: I am learning Chinese because if the growth of the Chinese economy
and the country. I think that knowing Chinese in the future will be a convenient and useful skill.
Question 2:What do you feel our lessons, is it helpful?
Maximilian: I think that the lessons are very good. I like that the classes are small and that you by that way get a friendly relationship with your teacher.
Question 3: Do you enjoy the life here in Beijing and why?
Maximilian: I have really been enjoying my time in Beijing. One important thing is to have people to spend your time with, so that you're not alone. I believe that the social activities at school are very good, and help you making new friends.
Question 4: Do you have any suggestion for our center?
Maximilian: I think that the learning process gets easier if you have pictures and such things. Maybe have a picture of a street with a lot of stuff and then the translation in English underneath.